Health Nudges

Everyone needs a little encouragement. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone was watching your daily activities and giving you that extra little encouragement?
She could be watching your activity levels, water intake, and sleep patterns, or whatever your goals are, and give you little “health nudges” along the way. Nudge Coach is a smart phone app which works with most Android or Apple smart phones which interfaces with many popular health trackers such as such as Fitbit or Apple Watch. It tracks your exercise movements as well as sleep patterns and loads into the cloud-based app. You can get regular feedback or “health nudges” from your health coach on your progress.
“Health nudges” are personalized, contextualized interactions that reference your individual health goal or status and suggest actionable next steps to improve. Simply put, we think making “nudges” the basis of engaging your fitness pattern could change how you manage your health for the better. We think you will agree that this type of frequent interaction is a great addition to achieving your health goals.

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